Solar Resources │ EnergyBin

Grow Your Revenue: Sell PV Hardware on EnergyBin

Written by Melissa Ann Schmid | May 2, 2024 8:00:57 PM

In today’s competitive global market, it can be challenging to stand out with your product offerings. As a seller, you have lots of options for advertising your inventory online. With every dollar spent on advertising, you want to see a positive impact to your bottom line.

We often hear this statement in our conversations with wholesale sellers who are exploring EnergyBin as a viable option for uploading their PV hardware inventory.

Solar companies who belong to our network have discovered that EnergyBin provides an enhanced opportunity to expand supply chain options, add another revenue source, and streamline sales processes. Within their first transactions, many have experienced results that more than cover their annual membership fees.

This article offers guidance to EnergyBin members as well as solar companies who are interested in learning more about how inventory uploads work on our platform. Also, we offer tips for realizing success wherever you’re listing inventory online.


Why should I sell PV hardware on EnergyBin?


The main reason to upload your inventory for sale on EnergyBin is to increase visibility. Understand that the very first step buyers take when they log in to the platform is to search for equipment they’re looking for. Like Google, the EnergyBin platform is a search engine built on keywords. Since EnergyBin is a private network of vetted solar companies, only pre-qualified industry professionals see inventory listings.

Why does this matter? It matters because EnergyBin members are serious wholesale buyers and sellers. They’re your industry peers who have immediate hardware needs. When you list your inventory on EnergyBin, your offerings are visible to other solar professionals who are handling PV hardware all day, every day.

Additionally, the more inventory you list, the greater chance your company name gets noticed. Uploading inventory to EnergyBin is a simple way to enhance brand recognition without forking out large sums for paid advertising.


What types of solar equipment should I upload?


You can post any PV hardware part or product for sale on EnergyBin. The condition can be new, used, or refurbished, and with or without warranty.

The most common products for sale are PV modules and inverters. Structural and electrical BOS components are also available. Energy storage systems and batteries can be found as well.

Since EnergyBin is a wholesale network, it’s also appropriate to upload various replacement parts including junction boxes, wiring, fuses, connectors, adaptors, etc. that would be useful for maintenance operators, repair technicians, and refurbishers.

But don’t upload solar waste. If the part or product is at its end of life, then recycle it instead.


How do I upload my inventory to EnergyBin?


Uploading your inventory to EnergyBin is quick and easy to do. If you’re a member, check out our step-by-step user manual as a reference guide.

As a seller, you have four options for uploading your inventory. The option you go with depends on your unique situation.

Option 1: Add inventory lines manually – This option provides a solution for you to manage your inventory if you don’t already have an internal management system. It’s also helpful when you only have a few items to add at a time.

Option 2: Upload an Excel or CSV file – This option is useful when you have multiple line items to add at a time. Use our handy Upload Template to match your column headings.

Option 3: Auto-Upload – This option is perfect for sellers whose inventory is quickly changing. Sync your internal management system with EnergyBin for optimal convenience.


Option 4: Have us upload your list for you – This option is great for the times when you’re too busy and need our assistance. Simply email your inventory list to Use our handy Upload Template to match your column headings.


What’s recommended for the best results?


To ensure the best results for uploading your inventory to EnergyBin, you’ll want to follow these recommendations. They’re helpful practices for listing your inventory online elsewhere.

First, verify that your upload satisfies EnergyBin’s Inventory Protocol, as stated here.

  • All inventory should be shipped within 48 business hours or otherwise noted with a specific lead time not to exceed 14 days.
  • The description field must be used for the product you’re listing. In other words, it’s not allowed to use this field for marketing messages.
  • You must be authorized to represent the inventory being posted.
  • Quantity and price information must be accurate and honored.

For members, refer to the Inventory Protocol as often as you need, which is published on the Upload page within the EnergyBin platform.

Second, ensure your product descriptions are accurate and specific. Remember that EnergyBin is a search engine that matches keywords based on part number, manufacturer, and description fields. Plain and simple, if you mis-spell a part number or manufacturer, you won’t appear in search results.

Third, include information for every field, including condition, price, and quantity. In addition to searching by keyword, buyers can filter by these and other fields. You wouldn’t want your listing excluded by a filter search simply because you didn’t complete all the fields.

Another reason for completing accurate and specific listings is to give buyers enough information to help them move forward with sending you an RFQ message. Put yourself in the shoes of your buyer to anticipate the information you’d like to know up front before having to talk to a salesperson. By providing complete descriptions, you’ll give the impression to buyers that you’re in the business of integrity.

Fourth, set a schedule to regularly upload your inventory. If you’re a company that has multiple team members using EnergyBin, consider appointing one or two employees to be responsible for uploading. Depending on the amount of inventory you have coming in and going out, set a daily or weekly upload schedule. Make it a habit that becomes second nature to your business operations.


Tips for managing your uploaded inventory


Once you’ve uploaded your inventory, it’s important to maintain accurate listings. You’ll also want to be ready to respond to RFQs from buyers.

Set a schedule to regularly update inventory quantities, price, or other fields that may change. Remove line items that are no longer available. Appoint a person within your company to quickly respond to buyer inquiries, preferably within one business day.

Unlike other online marketplaces, EnergyBin is all about relationship building. These buyers are your industry peers. They’re not some strange buyer out in the world who you’ll never talk to. Misrepresenting what you have available for sale or failing to respond to an RFQ in a timely manner could cost you a sale and could very well hurt your business reputation.

Finally, don’t wait for buyers to come to you. Be proactive. Promote your special offerings, clearance, or discounted products by sending Want-to-Sell broadcast emails. Advertise your broadcasted products on social media sites. Add a product catalog to your website. And consider picking up the phone to call and introduce yourself to other EnergyBin members.

Again, the success you’ll achieve by listing your inventory comes down to building and nurturing relationships.


What if I already list my inventory elsewhere online?


We hear this question a lot. Frankly, we encourage you to upload your inventory to as many online marketplaces, auction sites, and exchanges as it makes sense for your business model and goals.

We’ve given recommendations in this article to help you realize success wherever you choose to list your inventory. In summary, these tips are:

  • Be accurate and specific in your product descriptions, pricing, and availability.
  • Regularly upload and manage your inventory to ensure accuracy.
  • Appoint one or two team members to own the upload process.
  • Assign a designated person to manage listings and respond to buyer inquiries in a timely manner, such as within one business day.
  • Focus on building and nurturing relationships.

Certainly, the benefit of listing your inventory on multiple websites is the increased visibility and brand recognition. You never know where a buyer will discover you, so be open to new markets.

On EnergyBin, you can list as many line items for sale as you want; there’s no limit. You simply pay a small membership fee. We don’t charge transaction fees. We don’t take a commission on your sales. And we don’t assess buyer premiums. Rather, we’re focused on our mission to bring wholesale buyers and sellers together under one trusted network.


Take the next step…


All in all, EnergyBin provides an enhanced opportunity for you to expand your supply chain options, add another revenue source, and streamline your sales process.

For further assistance with listing your inventory for sale on EnergyBin, contact your Account Manager.

If you’re not a member but interested in learning more, contact us. We offer a variety of membership plans and will discuss the plan that best meets your business goals.


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